How to Distribute N Points on the Surface of a Sphere ?

Covering the Sphere with N equal Circles

How to cover the sphere with n congruent, overlapping circles, if every point of the sphere belongs to at least one circle and if the common radius has to be as small as possible ?

By the properties of the Delaunay triangulation no triangle of the (spherical) convex hull has circumradius greater or equal the common radius. Thus we have:

m: max (l)
D: circumradius

This question is also known is "problem of friendly dictators". It had been solved for N=4...10,12, for N up to 20 an algorithm due to Tarnai und Gaspar yields the best results known.

The problem can be alternatively formulated as follows:

For a point-arrangement we study the smallest circumscribed ball of the tangential polyhedron with the same center as the sphere. Or we study the largest ball with the same center as the sphere inscribed the convex hull. Then we ask for the circumscribed ball with radius as small as possible resp. for the inscribed ball with radius as large as possible.

Using some vector-calculation it is easy to show these three problems to be identical.


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Covering the Sphere with 8 or 9 Equal Circles
preprint, 2003

Lienhard Wimmer